Automation for industry and environment

Innovative and tailor-made solutions for the control and monitoring of industrial processes.

Why CTsistemi?


For over thirty years we have been alongside companies to strengthen their operational efficiency through our automation systems for:

Industrial supervision

We control plants of different natures through advanced supervision platforms that allow the optimal achievement of company objectives.

Manage the plants

Emissions monitoring

We identify the existence of potential savings and apply the appropriate measures to achieve an improvement in energy performance.

Monitor the emissions

Energy monitoring

Our SME package, configured and customized according to operational needs in full compliance with the legal provisions in force.

Enhance the performance


Cutting-edge automation systems at the service of companies

Entrust the management and control of your production processes to cutting-edge supervision platforms such as Control Maestro. Both SMEs, for monitoring emissions, and Amadas, for the centralized management of several analysis systems in chemical and petrochemical processes, are based on this system.

The software solutions QAL3WEB, for the management of the EN14181: 2015 standard, and PEMS, for the prediction of emissions, are supplied with the SME system.

To complete the range of our solutions there is E3M, for the optimization of energy consumption.

Are you looking for a high level of customization?

Where needed and useful we develop customized software solutions, mainly web-based, as for the following operational areas:

  • Traceability systems
  • Industry 4.0
  • Management for industrial processes
  • Process digitization
  • Applications for batch records
  • Monitoring of test lines for statistical use
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Algorithms


We are more than just a provider

In addition to sales and prompt and competent technical assistance, we provide training services, technical analysis, definition of hardware and software architecture, design and development of turnkey applications and after-sales support.

Find out what sets us apart